Click on any item to open (reveal) or close (hide/condense) the information about each ballot question including a link to the bill and Blue Book information, and brief statements about the bill.

Otero County Republican Central Committee recommendations are shown as:
GREEN for YES, RED for NO, and GRAY for "No recommendation, please study."

Quick link to Otero GOP recommendations.

Quick link to OTERO1A.

Additional 2024 Colorado Ballot Issue Guides:

Colorado Freedom Force

A SHORT guide for questions on the 2024 Colorado ballot.


Arkansas Valley Tea Party Voter Guide

Developed by our local TEA Party members, the guide includes statements on candidates and ballot measures.


2024 Colorado Ballot Issues Guide from Independence Institute

This has analysis and positions for most of the 2024 Colorado Statewide Ballot Issues


IVoterGuide Candidate Voter Guide

You can enter your address and get a listing of national, state, and some district level candidates with information about each.


Otero County Ballot Question 1A. (No recommendation - please study.)

Shall the term limits for the County Commissioners of Otero County, Colorado be limited to no more than three consecutive terms, this limitation being applicable for terms of office beginning on or after January 1, 2025?

This Question has been proposed by the Otero County Commissioners.

Statement from the Commissioners:

  • We believe from the time our government was created elected officials were not supposed to make a career out of those positions. However, too often this has taken place. So, without term limits people could stay in office forever.
  • We also believe that term limits should exist from the bottom to the top. We are starting with us hoping that it will filter to the top.
  • We feel that the longer a person stays in office the less effective they become.
  • Finally, studies have shown that incumbents win re-election 80-90% of the time. Without term limits a person could stay in office forever.


Statement from the Otero County Republican Central Committee:

The Committee respectfully acknowledges the Commissioners' concerns, but also acknowledges that the voting citizens in small communities know their elected officials and can effectively determine if a candidate is performing well or should be replaced by participating in every election.